Register for court-mandated classes by calling: (818) 547-2865


Domestic Violence

Our court-approved domestic violence batterer’s intervention program provides court-ordered individuals charged with domestic violence the opportunity to educate themselves on how to overcome their patterns of abuse through a program that focuses on altering patterns of thinking and behavior in order to eliminate instances of violence and increasing offenders’ sense of accountability.


Anger Management

Our court-approved anger management classes will provide you with the education and tools needed to identify and diffuse anger. While anger is a healthy emotion, it must be expressed appropriately in order to avoid escalation and to allow for the development of healthy relationships. Our classes will allow you to accomplish this while satisfying the requirements of your court order. Voluntary attendance is allowed and encouraged.



Our court-approved parenting classes provide parents with the knowledge necessary to establish a connection, involvement and focus on their child/children’s lives and how to create healthy environments for their development. These classes will satisfy a court order but are encouraged for individuals who want to improve their relational patterns with their children.